Quick note:
Welcome! First off, congratulations on taking the first step!
Now you’re here on the application page...
Take a deep breath, and feel into your body. Notice how your lungs feel with each breath. Close your eyes and pause to feel your heart beat.
Before you dive in, bring your awareness to your heart. Ask your heart, "Is it true for me to work with Tracy?"
Earnestly listen for an answer. It could be visual, felt in the body, heard, or a knowing.
There isn't a right answer, in fact, I would rather you say no to this work than go against what is true for you. Your self honestly is of the utmost importance.
That’s why before you fill out the application, do this quick meditation to ask your heart if this is true for you.
Once you are complete, go ahead and watch the short video above... I'm here and raw with you. You are here to be seen and met in all of you- and I'm meeting you with all of me.
Watch it and then fill out the application with an added dose of confidence that THIS IS FOR YOU!
Welcome to your next evolution. I welcome you with all my heart.
Tracy Caldwell
Yes, I commit to my growth and expansion, and I am ready to say yes to this new level of relating.
Please answer ALL of the questions below. These answers are confidential.
Purity of Nature, LLC © 2024 All Rights Reserved